Creating Offline or Alternative Server Projects

AVAnnotate projects can be downloaded and used offline or on a private server as a free-standing site. For projects that are private, start with the instructions for creating a private repository. For projects containing offline AV, see AV Formats and Support.

  1. Navigate to the user’s project GitHub respository. Use the green Code button to Download ZIP and save the .zip file. Unzip the file on the local computer. A “site” directory contains the static pages.
  2. The “site” folder contains a set of instructions for how to deploy a static AVAnnotate site to any web server (i.e. Apache, NginX).
  3. To run the site locally on a computer, the simplest approach is to use the Python web server.
Using the Python Web Server
1. Install Python
- [On Windows](
- [On Mac](
2. Run http.server
      1. Navigate to the local copy of the /site directory in the appropriate terminal for the OS. (On a Mac, shift+right-click on the /site directory and select 'New Terminal at Folder')
      2. Enter the following command at the terminal prompt: `python3 -m http.server 8000`
3. To view the project, navigate a browser to ‘http://localhost:8000’

These instructions are also available online here.