Custom pages can be used for the home page; event pages or other pages with text; AV clips with or without associated annotations; AV event or clip comparisons; and images (via URL links).
Home and Event pages can be customized by disabling auto-generation. To disable auto-generation on a given Home or Event page, click on the three dots and select “Disable Auto-Generation.”
Image 1: How to disable auto-generation on the project dashboard
Custom author-generated pages may include context about events and clips, but can also comprise events and clips. Create a custom author-generated page by clicking on the “Add” button in the project dashboard.
Image 2: How to add a custom author-generated page
Once the page is added, authors can add a title and text; assign a parent page; and customize the text on the page via the rich text editor.
Image 3: Custom text editor layout options
Project authors can also customize page layout on custom pages.
Image 4: Insert page layout options including columns, horizontal separators, and single or comparison events (full or clips)