
An “Event” in AVAnnotate can comprise single or multiple AV files and single or multiple sets of annotations. AVAnnotate will create or ingest a IIIF manifest for each event. Event pages can be auto-generated or created by the user.

Add new events by selecting + Add on the Event dashboard

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Input information about the new event, including:

  • Label A descriptive title of the event
  • Item Type Audio or video
  • AV label A descriptive title of the audio or video file
  • URL or Offline See AV Files support and formats for more information
  • Duration Duration of AV file in hh:mm:ss
  • Description (optional)
  • Citation (optional)

Note: Annotation sets can be added to an event after the event has been added and saved.

Edit events by clicking into an event on the dashboard, and then selecting Edit

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On the edit page, modify information about the event media (Label, Item Type, AV Label, etc.) and add annotation sets.
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