Customizing Pages

Custom pages can be used for the project home page and made to include AV events and clips with or without associated annotations; AV event or clip comparisons; and images (via URL links).

Create a custom author-generated page by clicking on the “Add” button in the project dashboard

Custom author-generated pages may include context about the project’s events and clips, but can also comprise events and/or event clips.

Image 2: How to add a custom author-generated page

Custom text editor layout options

Once the page is added, authors can add a title and text; assign a parent page; and customize the text on the page via the rich text editor.

Image 3: Custom text editor layout options

Project authors can also customize page layout on custom pages

Insert page layout options including columns, horizontal separators, and single or comparison events (full or clips).

Image 4: Insert page layout options including columns, horizontal separators, and single or comparison events (full or clips)