Add a Project

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Select + Add and input information about the new project, including:

  • GitHub Organization Projects can be saved in any organization in which a user has write permissions in GitHub.
  • Use Private Repository
  • Generate GitHub Pages Site If unchecked, a static site will be created in the project repository.
  • Title The title of the project will appear in the header on the site.
  • Description The description will appear on the front page of the auto-generated site.
  • Language
  • Project Slug Slugs appear in the project URL. Slugs should be lower case without spaces or punctuation other than a dash -.
  • Project Authors Authors will appear in the footer of the site.
  • Collaborators Collaborators are added with GitHub usernames that can be auto-completed via AVAnnotate. Added collaborators will have access to editing the project under the Shared Projects tab in the AVAnnotate dashboard.

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