Creating and Modifying Timestamped Annotations
Annotations and Timestamps
Users generate and add timestamped annotations to each AV file through the AVAnnotate dashboard. Timestamps are the beginning and end time of a point in time or segment of AV. Annotations correspond to this point or range in the audio or video. Annotations contain information about the media that might include a transcript; captions; information about formal features of the media (e.g., shot sequence, volume, or lighting), historical or cultural context, environmental noises such as fans or car horns, or conceptual notes or themes among a wide variety of other possible topics.
Annotations always correspond to an associated event. To add annotations to an event in AVAnnotate, navigate to the Events dashboard and select an event. [annotationsimage1]
Selecting an event will open its settings page. On the settings page for a given event, annotations can be uploaded in various file formats via the Import button, or added individually via the Add button. [image 2]