27 de Mayo, 1981 - PM
En lo que se tiene como un ataque contra la política exterior de Herrera Campíns, que apoya a la junta genocida de El Salvador, señaló que en El Salvador lo que hay es un gobierno militar retrógrado, genocida, reaccionario, que tiene como mampara a un hombre de paja, refiriéndose a Duarte. Aunque la realidad es que en El Salvador gobiernan los militares que torturan y violan los derechos humanos.
26 de Mayo, 1981- AM - English Annotations
Radio Venceremos is heard from the center of the mountain, transmitting its message with the power of a people in arms. At 6:00 AM its transmission is heard, it's Radio Venceremos and it's the voice of our revolution. It’s a powerful radio station, everyone here listens to it, it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio. It’s a powerful radio station, and everyone here listens to it, it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio. All the combatants are very motivated because Radio Venceremos has them well-informed. All the combatants are very motivated because Radio Venceremos has them well-informed. It’s a powerful radio station, everyone here listens to it, it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio. It’s a powerful radio station, everyone here listens to it, it’s Farabundo Marti’s guerrilla radio.
The people, united, will never be defeated! The people, united, will never be defeated! The people, united, will never be defeated! On foot, singing Because we’re going to triumph. Advance now Flags of unity. And you will come Marching next to mi and in that way you will see your song and your flag flourish. The light of a red dawn now announces the life which will come. On foot, marching The people will triumph. The life that will come Will be better To conquer Our happiness And in one shout A thousand voices in combat will raise Shall sing A song of liberty With determination The homeland will prevail.
This is Radio Venceremos, the official voice of the Farabundo Marti for National Liberation Front, transmitting its signal of liberty from El Salvador, Central America, a territory in combat against oppression and imperialism.
Radio Venceremos, is the official voice of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, and the voice of the Salvadoran people in arms. A heroic greeting to you, Salvadoran people. Radio Venceremos greets you. The present is a struggle, the future is ours!
We would be interested in knowing what is the present state of the pending process for a political solution for El Salvador.
Of course, the result of a concrete and detailed proposal from the Revolutionary Democratic Front and the Farabundo Marti for the National Liberation Front to the regime of Duarte--I cannot go into details for obvious reasons. It is something that needs to be managed by those directly involved.
As of now, there is no positive response. The reality is that a viable solution was rejected by the United States and the Salvadoran administration. The conclusion I deduce from that is that only is there a clear desire to reach a political solution from the opposition, but there has been a method to reach this process. This method, this proposal continues to be valid and supported by the opposition, but of course, that cannot be the only thing.
To what do we owe that reluctant, resistant, and contrary position of the United States and the Democratic Christian military junta? What’s the expectation that harbors the purpose of this attitude?
Taking into consideration that you were in Honduras a few days ago and the information that flows towards Europe, you mentioned the great number of weapons that the United States sends. Is there an increase in the number of North American military consultants?
What was the result of the process by Mr. Wischnewski in that region? Did it succeed or fail? We ask because, according to statements by newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post, Duarte as well as North American government authorities showed Mr. Wischenwsky a document attributed to the Revolutionary Democratic Front and the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front which states that the process of politics and peace talks is nothing but a way to buy time with the objective of improving personal conditions at the negotiating table.
What changed in the situation? Is it a strategic change?
Regarding the April 30th meeting European Socialdemocracy in Amsterdam, there was a unanimous acknowledgement of the Salvadoran situation. Was there a consensus regarding the processes in favor of a political solution as suggested by a certain news outlet, did someone side with the European or Latinamerican Christian democracies?
Why this dedication? Many observers have noticed the European Social Democracy’s interest in Central America. Before now it was Nicaragua, now it’s El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Would you like to comment on this?
In these moments, the microphones of Radio Venceremos are in the first house that we found in El Junquillo, where the Butcher of El Junquillo, Capitan Napoleon Medina Garay, carried out one of the most horrific massacres in the history of the department of Morazán. In this moments, we are entering a house that has been totally destroyed, it has not roof, all the roof tiles are on the floor, broken. Everything is burnt. There’s traces of children’s clothing. There’s a comrade that is going to explain to us, he’s going to describe what we’re seeing here. This really is one of the most macabre scenes that we’ve seen in our lives. There are human remains in the form of skeletons. Comrade, tell us, whose house was this?
They killed five there.
Aída, we are the same. The days pass, We continue to be at war, De same as Aquino, De same as Modesto Ramírez, My war, your war. The bullets pass, De ones of death and pain are the same. We continue to be at war, That of Ama, of Sanchez, The war that brought Oscar Arnulfo and Chacón, And Córdoba, of Agustín, Farabundo, Comrade, it’s the same one. De one of protests and of funerals, They’re the same ones. Arms and legs and shoulders and feet, They’re the same ones. At a gallop, they’re the same ones. The faces with eyes that throw lances at a gallop, Over the historic güiscoyol of the same souls, They’re the same ones. Except for today there aren’t enough streets, Or parks, Or mountains, For us, The same ones, Loud Pipiles in protest and at a gallop. Working men, Laboring fists, Women who smell of vegetables in the marketplaces. There isn’t any space in this small country for the peasant, Heart of golden grain, We continue at war, Our same unique song is heard everywhere. Peace, peace, and we are the same.
26 de Mayo, 1981- AM - Spanish Annotations
(Sonidos ambientales)
Carlos Ibrian Resinos, fungía como Secretario de Finanzas y José Alirio Martínez Martínez como Secretario General del sindicato, condenamos y repudiamos enérgicamente este nuevo atentado de la dictadura contra la clase obrera salvadoreña, a la vez nos solidarizamos con los compañeros del sindicato de la industria del dulce y pastas alimenticias ante esta envestida del régimen, los alentamos por otra parte a seguir adelante en la lucha por sus reivindicaciones y por un gobierno democrático y revolucionario.
31 de Diciembre, 1981 - PM - Spanish Annotation
Esta acusación más bien es una forma de evadir el hecho de que las fuerzas revolucionarias han fortalecido y consolidado una retaguardia y un poder en El Salvador. Al no poder destruirla, tratando de matar su chucho a tiempo declara que en Morazán lo que está es una repetidora y que el transmisor está en Nicaragua y que hasta allá no puede ir.
31 de Diciembre, 1981 - AM - Spanish Annotations
A ellos lo han hecho con una ingratitud de matar todos estos niños por odios personales, por todas las cosas, ellos creen que están matando guerrilleros y no, son niños y mujeres los que matan. Deben de ponerse la mano en sus pechos estos asesinos que es lo que andan haciendo en El Mozote, en todos los departamentos que andan matando mujeres y niños.
Al fin, pues, de allí, del caserío de El Mozote no salió ninguna persona, solamente mí, porque allí todas las mataron con toda la familia.
El recién pasado 29 de diciembre, fecha en que los compañeros Elmer, Serapio y Edwin cayeron en los victoriosos combates de la Guacamaya en el departamento de Morazán dando así muestras claras de su agresividad revolucionaria, afianzadas en una indoblegable decisión de vencer y una profunda confianza en la victoria. Ellos nos han legado el ejemplo de revolucionarios, que a pesar de su alta capacidad combativa, nunca perdieron su sencillez y modestia. Son cualidades fundamentales de luchadores proletarios.
Dentro de breves instantes, Radio Venceremos presentará el mensaje de fin de año de la comandancia general del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, vanguardia político-militar de nuestro pueblo.
"El material recuperado es el siguiente, 17 fusiles G3, un cañón 90 milímetros, cinco proyectiles del cañón 90 milímetros, un M79, siete granadas de M79, granadas de fusil G3, cascos de acero, mochilas, capas, cobijas, alimentos, etcétera, munición calibre 7.62, dos cananas de ametralladora, dos radios de comunicación militar, una pistola nueve milímetros. Además de esto, resultaron dos helicópteros averiados".
27 de Mayo, 1981 - AM - English Annotations
Radio Venceremos transmits its signal of freedom from the Francisco Sanchez Eastern Front, which is made up of the departments of Usulutan, San Miguel, La Union, and Morazán.
This is Radio Venceremos, the official voice of the Farabundo Martí for the National Liberation Front.
Radio Venceremos, the official voice of the Farabundo Martí for the National Liberation Front broadcasts its radio signal of freedom from El Salvador, where an entire people fights against oppression.
and with activities of sabotage on the plumbing of Suchitoto's water network. This happened in the are of Nixtamalapa. This action destroyed the plumbing, thus leaving the Suchitoto quarter's without water.
United to fight until the final victory. Revolution or death, we will prevail. San Salvador, 25th of May 1981. Information Section from the General Command of the Farabundo Martí Front for the National Liberation.
They killed whoever they caught there. They killed nineteen, among them children and the elderly just because they were refugees and others from the same town they had them on a list to kill, but among the nineteen that they killed were children, elderly people, and women that were nursing.
Global Information!
The Revolutionary Democratic Front [FDR] and the Farabundo Marti for National Liberation Front [FMLN] extend condolences for the passing of President Jaime Roldos. With the tragic death of the President of Ecuador, Jaime Roldos, which occurred this past Sunday in an airplane accidente, in which also died six other people, including the president’s wife and the Minister of Defense, the FDR and the FMLN sent their condolences to the Ecuatorian people and its government.
Through this communiqué we express our condolences to these organizations for the aforementioned event. This communiqué is signed by Commandor Ana Guadalupe Martinez, on behalf of the politico-diplomatic commission of both organizations.
The message says the following, “Profoundly dismayed by the tragic passing of President of Ecuador, Dr. Jaime Roldos Aguilera, his wife, and the Defense Minister. The FDR [Revolutionary Democratic Front] and the FMLN present their condolences to the Ecuatorian people.
Because of the dictatorship's information siege, Radio Venceremos is on the air, informing our people.
Alexander Haig, repudiated by the Northamerican people. In a cable sent by the France-Presse news agency, the Northamerican Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, while he delivered a violent speech about the alleged interference of the Soviet Union in matters of the Third World at a university in Connecticut, several hundreds of people protested their opposition to Haig’s policies, particularly in regards to our country.
Additionally, the news agency asserted that while Haig spoke, a group of protesters called him a murderer. The students, according to the report, were quickly expelled from the theater where Haig delivered his speech. The cable also added that at the beginning of the speech, twenty-something university faculty left the facility and in that way express their opposition to the United State’s foreign policy.
Mexico, Federal District. Radio Venceremos, official voice of the Farabundo Marti for the National Liberation Front, transmits clearly to that country.
Furthermore, the Committees for Solidarity for El Salvador in Mexico have expressed to us that they have great activity, and they’ve received mass response from the Mexican people, siempre a friend to our just cause. More information through Radio Venceremos.
26 de Mayo, 1981 - PM - Spanish Annotations
31 de Diciembre, 1981 - PM - English Annotation
There are only a few hours left until the end of this year. A year in which our people, deploying great sacrifices and efforts, have strengthened and consolidated both their democratic revolutionary forces and their instruments that are leading them to definitive victory.
On this occasion when our love for peace and true democracy is revived in our people. As a member of the political-military command of the northern zone of the Eastern Front, Francisco Sánchez and as the political leader of Radio Venceremos, I send a revolutionary and fraternal greeting to all the members of the National Revolutionary Movement, MNR, the Popular Social Christian Movement, MPSC, and the Independent Movement of Professionals and Technicians of El Salvador, MIPTES.
To all the members of the Revolutionary Mass Coordinator, CRM. To all the collaborators and sympathizers of the Revolutionary Democratic Front and the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front and to all our people in general.
This occasion is opportune for me to present before you a report about Radio Venceremos, official voice of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, with the objective of locating why the role it has played in the advancement of the struggle of our people arises, what it means at the present time and about its place of transmission.
The Salvadoran people have been fighting for many years to end the repression, hunger, misery, oppression and backwardness to which the fascist high command of the Armed Forces, the oligarchy and North American imperialism have subjected them, to conquer their democratic freedoms and have their fundamental rights respected.
Freedoms and rights that we currently seek to achieve through a Government that is the result of the confluence of all the democratic and progressive forces that seek to build peace and reconstruction for El Salvador. Within this historical framework, the fight for freedom of expression of thought carried out by the democratic and progressive forces, sectors and the revolutionary forces of Salvadoran society has stood out.
We have reached a time when the dictatorship in our country ends freedom of expression, journalists are captured, disappeared and murdered. The town's chronicle is closed. The newspaper El Independiente is closed. The YSAX was stupidly dynamited. The voice of the voiceless, Monsignor Romero, is murdered. Even foreign journalists stationed in the country are persecuted, captured and even murdered.
It is in this context that the Salvadoran people, with sacrifice, enormous efforts and with their creativity, are creating their own media and methods of popular expression. Guided now on the basis of military political power, Radio Venceremos emerged on January 10 of this year, accompanying the general offensive launched by the people led by the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front.
Radio Venceremos is the result of long years of struggle by our people and their progressive and revolutionary democratic forces, which is why it is the genuine expression of popular power. Therefore, it is a people's radio. And disseminate all those ideas, thoughts and positions that truly seek peace, democracy and well-being for all Salvadorans. It therefore disseminates any approach that seeks to advance Salvadoran society towards progress.
Radio Venceremos, as an expression of popular power, has played and will continue to play an invaluable role in the advancement of the struggle that the entire people heroically wage to end half a century of military dictatorships.
Radio Venceremos, like the popular masses, displaying great sacrifices and efforts, creativity and initiative, has kept the brave and heroic Salvadoran people informed and educated. It has informed the other peoples of the world. He has fought the disinformation launched by Yankee imperialism and the Christian Democratic military dictatorship. He has been able to highlight the development of popular power and has guided the great popular masses in their struggle.
Under the current conditions of the development of our war, Radio Venceremos also largely fills the insufficiency of written propaganda of the democratic, progressive and revolutionary forces of our country. The existence of Radio Venceremos in the department of Morazán clearly expresses the inevitability of the triumph of the Salvadoran people and the indestructibility of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front.
The psychopath Colonel García has reported several times that he has destroyed Radio Venceremos and it has always been false. Radio Venceremos has always broadcast. The same thing just happened, they launched a genocidal operation that sought to destroy the radio station. We already knew about this operation and its intentions before, we made it known and we prepared to defeat it.
Thus, days before, Radio Venceremos reduced the transmission time to 15 and 20 minutes, we were getting ready to enter the war of movements. García, after we did not go on air, pompously claimed to have destroyed us and captured the personnel, thereby attempting to demoralize our brave people.
What has happened? Afterwards, Radio Venceremos continues broadcasting and with the same staff from the department of Morazán, whether Colonel García and the genocidal Christian Democrat military junta like it or not. Radio Venceremos broadcasts from the department of Morazán, not from Nicaragua as this man tries to make you believe.
This accusation is rather a way of evading the fact that the revolutionary forces have strengthened and consolidated a rearguard and power in El Salvador. Not being able to destroy it, trying to kill his dog in time, he declares that what is in Morazán is a repeater and that the transmitter is in Nicaragua and that he cannot go there.
The pain that Radio Venceremos causes him is so much that he becomes desperate and can no longer even lie. If Radio Venceremos were in Nicaragua there was no reason why it would stop broadcasting at the time of the fighting. On the contrary, we would have come out with better programs and greater technical quality given the conditions.
Also, consider that the voice of Nicaragua is heard in El Salvador and without having a repeater here, we could have done the same thing. That is to say, from a technical point of view this man cannot deceive anyone, nor can he from the point of view of the political principles of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front and the Revolutionary Democratic Front.
We as democratic revolutionaries have principles, we respect the territorial sovereignty of other peoples, we are not like the psychopath of García and the junta, without principles, who easily cross over to the territory of Honduras to fight against our forces, thus violating the sovereignty of that brother town. We are not like the Cuban worms who have calmly set up a radio station in North American territory, we have political principles.
In this sense, Radio Venceremos is a radio station within the Salvadoran territory in the department of Morazán. It is a radio station at war, otherwise it would not be Radio Veneremos. It is located in territories controlled by our forces. It is a valuable achievement of our people raised in arms. The truth of the matter is that they want to hide the fact that Radio Venceremos exists and that the army knows where it is and cannot destroy it. It is proof of how close victory is for the Salvadoran people.
Finally, I want to reiterate that we are today more than ever with the unwavering decision to continue with even greater effort fulfilling the tasks and missions entrusted by our general command and with the needs of the struggle of our people, thus breaking the fascist and imperialist information siege. , educating our people, guiding the great masses of people who are increasingly getting closer to the defeat of the Christian Democratic military dictatorship and informing the rest of the people of the world. Revolution or death, we will win.
27 de Mayo, 1981 - AM - Spanish Annotations
Pasó porque habían tomado la villa las fuerzas de FMLN, dijeron que iban a venir a tomarse la vuelta a donde allí entró la policía de Torola de primero.
¡Globo informativo!
Frente Democrático Revolucionario y Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional presentan condolencias por la muerte del presidente Jaime Roldós. Ante la trágica muerte del presidente del Ecuador, Jaime Roldós, acaecida el recién pasado domingo en un accidente de aviación, en el que además se murieron otras seis personas, incluyendo a la esposa del presidente y el Ministro de Defensa, el FDR y FMLN emitieron un pésame dirigido al pueblo y al Gobierno ecuatoriano.
Mediante este comunicado se expresa el pesar de estas organizaciones ante el mencionado hecho. El comunicado es firmado por la comandante Ana Guadalupe Martínez, por parte de la Comisión Político Diplomática de ambas organizaciones.
El mensaje dice lo siguiente, "Profundamente consternados por el trágico fallecimiento del señor presidente del Ecuador, doctor Jaime Roldós Aguilera, su esposa y el señor Ministro de Defensa, el FDR de El Salvador y el FMLN presentan sus condolencias al pueblo ecuatoriano".
Ante el cerco informativo de la dictadura, en el aire Radio Venceremos informando a nuestro pueblo.
Alexander Haig, repudiado por el pueblo norteamericano. En un cable girado por la agencia de noticias France-Presse, el Secretario de Estado norteamericano, Alexander Haig, mientras pronunciaba un violento discurso en relación a una supuesta injerencia de la Unión Soviética en los asuntos del Tercer Mundo en una universidad en Connecticut, varios centenares de personas manifestaron su oposición a la política de Haig, en particular hacia nuestro país.
Asimismo, afirma la agencia noticiosa que mientras Haig hablaba, un grupo de manifestantes lo trataron de homicida. Los estudiantes, según el informe, fueron rápidamente expulsados del teatro donde Haig pronunciaba su discurso. También agregó el cable que al inicio del discurso más de una veintena de profesores de la universidad abandonaron el recinto para expresar de esa forma su oposición a la política exterior de los Estados Unidos.
México, Distrito Federal, Radio Venceremos, voz oficial del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional se sintoniza con claridad en este país.
Por otra parte, los Comités de Solidaridad para con El Salvador en México nos manifiestan que desarrollan una gran actividad, recibiendo una respuesta multitudinaria por parte del pueblo mexicano, siempre amigo para con nuestra justa causa. Más información a través de Radio Venceremos.
26 de Mayo, 1981 - PM - English Annotations
With a revolutionary greeting to the Salvadoran working class, Radio Venceremos, official voice of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, ends this hour’s transmission. We remind you that Radio Venceremos transmits every day from 6:00 to 7:00 in the morning and 6:00 to 7:00 in the evening. Radio Venceremos, expression over popular power over territories controlled by our people in arms.
31 de Diciembre, 1981 - AM - English Annotations
Radio Venceremos, official voice of the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation, begins its broadcast of this hour by saluting the popular advance registered during 1981. We salute the advance of the historic struggle for national liberation that in this past year reached such levels that it places our people in a position to be the master of their destiny.
Below, our fellow priest Rogelio Ponseele in a message addressed to our Christian people.
In the Francisco Sánchez Northeastern Front we have just gone through a difficult and painful stage. While it is true that in military terms the enemy was defeated, that is, he could not achieve even a small part of his objective of annihilating the guerrilla forces on our front despite having set up a gigantic operation, it is also true that his criminal hand wherever it happened it left hundreds of dead, mostly children, women and the elderly, part of the defenseless civilian population that could not escape the irrational fury of the enemy.
Because there are our brothers, friends and part of this poor people whom we want to liberate, we are overcome with immense pain and it is born spontaneously, not with the desire to offend God, but rather in search of an answer to the prayer of Psalm 13.
"How long, Lord, will you continue to forget us? How long will you hide your face from us? How long will we feel suspicion in our soul and sadness in our hearts? How long will those who hate us overcome us? Lord, our God, look and answer us."
The Christmas event brings us the answer. God invites us to fix our gaze on this fragile and defenseless child who comes from above and who is born in the midst of poverty and persecution. He is born in a manger because they couldn't find a place in the inn.
His parents, Mary and Joseph, are extremely poor people. To escape the fury of King Herod, who does not hesitate to order all the children of Bethlehem under the age of two to be massacred with the aim of eliminating Jesus, he also has to, we would say, maneuver on the ground.
This context of poverty and persecution that characterizes his birth will accompany him throughout his life until Golgotha where he has to assume the most shameful death of his time, death on the cross. It is in this critical moment, in this moment of apparent failure that we witness the powerful intervention of God the Father who rescues his son Jesus, who becomes the son of God free from all bondage.
In short, Jesus points out and walks himself for guidance, shows the path of salvation and thus becomes our Savior. In Jesus the path of salvation is traced. Every man and therefore every people who wants to achieve their true freedom must necessarily go through this painful path of humiliation, suffering and death.
In the story of this child who is born in Bethlehem we read the history of our people. A fragile and defenseless people is born in the midst of a context of poverty and persecution. The new Herod seeks to humiliate and annihilate him. To escape the fury of the new Herod, who does not hesitate to order the massacre of children, women and the elderly, this people must constantly set out on the road, but they do not despair, they walk knowing that this path leads without the slightest doubt. to the long-awaited victory.
It is here where we find God's answer. Our faith does not erase the pain or make it less bitter, but it does help us accept it as part of a journey, a process that, despite appearances, must lead to a new society free of terror, violence and death.
That is why we keep hope alive, a hope strengthened by the small and large triumphs that we have achieved in recent days. The enemy's gigantic operation was made to fail through an efficient strategy ordered by our command.
A few days after the start of the operation we were already resuming our previous positions. Radio Venceremos broadcasts again, denying the enemy's deceptive campaign.
To make matters worse, in an agile and well-planned counteroffensive, it was possible to remove and hit the troops of the bourgeois army that had been left, regaining control over the entire area. These victorious events that have occurred with certain variations also on all other fronts show that God does not abandon a people who are clearly assisted by reason and justice.
It is our deep conviction that God, who is love, is proven in the Christmas gesture by becoming God equal to us, that this God of love will not rest until justice triumphs over oppression and violence.
Therefore, full of hope we find ourselves concluding one year and beginning another. We will continue in 1982 working and fighting for the mass organization of our people, the only way to achieve a just peace.
For unity and solidarity, essential conditions for a soon happy outcome of the painful conflict. For the consolidation of popular power, forging a new society now and for the conquest of a Government of broad participation, shaking the hand of every honest man willing to make our country a just and fraternal country.
A happy New Year to all of us who are willing to walk the path of Jesus and not rest until we achieve total and definitive triumph for our people.
At this moment, the mobile unit of Radio Venceremos is with a lady who is a victim of repression in El Mozote, jurisdiction of Meanguera, in the department of Morazán. Lady who managed to survive the massacre perpetrated by the repressive forces in that place and in other villages in the department.
Partner, could you tell us your name?
Rufina Amaya
How old are you?
Comrade, we understand that you were a witness to the massacre and a victim of it in the town of El Mozote. Could you tell us how the events happened?
On Friday, December 12, they took people out of their houses at 5:00 AM and lined them up in the small square in front of the Hermitage. From there they had them, there the naked children enduring the cold.
From there they took them to the houses to lock them up, the men locked them in the church, they locked us in Alfredo Márquez's house. From there they were kept hungry and thirsty until six in the afternoon.
At 12:00 PM they killed the men.
At 2:00 PM they took the girls to the hills, took them and kept them until 6:00 AM the next day. From there they killed them and burned them. They all raped them. After they were raped, they were killed.
The men bandaged them, from there they killed them. I was seeing them there where the men were killing through a small window where they had us locked up.
From there I watched how they did them, how they threw them away, then they killed them. The soldiers showed ingratitude to the men because they gave them their guns. Since they didn't have guns, they weren't part of any organization, they all died unjustly there, why? Because they didn't have anything to deliver.
They have done it with an ingratitude of killing all these children out of personal hatred, for all things, they believe that they are killing guerrillas and no, it is children and women who kill. These murderers must put their hands on their chests, which is what they are doing in El Mozote, in all the departments that are killing women and children.
The old women took them out first to kill them. They killed Margarita Márquez and Vicenta del Cid first. From there they killed the other ladies, one Gurelia, another Bartola, who were elderly, who could no longer even walk, they were at least 80 years old each.
From there they killed the elderly, Israel Márquez, Leoncio Claro, that Leoncio did not drive nor could he walk. To Lorenza, who was Don Leoncio's wife.
Rufina, could you explain to our people how you managed to save your life?
Yes. I can tell you how I was saved. When they took us out to line them up where they were going to kill us, I stayed, I hid from them next to an apple tree, a pineapple bush, there I stayed, bending a twig with my finger, there I covered myself and then The murderers didn't see me. So, they killed all the women there, and I saw clearly when they finished killing them and burning them.
As best I could, after they killed all those people, they killed all the people, they went to the bazaar. I had a little chance of getting out because the boots didn't see me where I had stayed. There I was, where I had stayed, they came in front of me to talk. The lieutenant was also there with them, all the troops surrounded there, to talk that they were not from this place, from here, but that they were from other parts, that they had been sent to kill people, they had not been sent to tolerate people.
Comrade, could you tell us what else you heard in the talks held by the criminals who at that time had just committed the El Mozote massacre?
I heard people say that it was Lieutenant Ortega who killed people, ordered the children to be killed and everything. There were some who said that they did not want to kill children, that they killed women, because there were men and women, because they knew, that they knew why, that they had not left, but the children did not.
Lieutenant Ortega said that a single bullet was going to hit the one who did not want to kill children.
The clothes they wore were flagged, black, and they also said that they were from the Death Squad. They had fallen from the plane there on the plain.
In front of me they began to tell how they were going to kill the children, who they said were going to be beheaded and hanged. I saw when they were making the pitas they were making to hang the children after the others killed them.
I believe it is true that they have hanged and slit the throats of the children because I was listening, shots were not heard, the children only cried and screamed at the mothers who were killing them.
They burned all the children and all the women said that they would not leave until they finally saw that witches could come out of those they were burning.
In the end, then, from there, from the hamlet of El Mozote, not a single person left, only me, because they killed everyone there along with their entire family.
The four children and the husband, whose name was Domingo Claro, killed me. He was visually impaired, he did not see, he only saw with glasses. The children, one was called Cristino Claro, the other girl was called Lolita Claro and the other girl was called Lilian Claro, the baby girl who was killed, eight months old, was called Isabel Claro.
Rufina, to finish this interview, we would like to know if you have any message for the people of the world, for the Salvadoran people as a mother, as a peasant woman who is a victim of the repression unleashed by the Christian Democratic Military Junta against the Salvadoran people.
I had a message, to ask that all these people, whether Republic or people that show repugnance, not kill children or women. Let them show solidarity with us who are victims of repression. Let's say that the people's struggle is not in vain because they do not kill children or women.
I also ask the Salvadoran woman to join in to defend her family and her children so that what happened to us does not happen to them because they trusted us, that the military authorities were not going to kill them.
I would also like to ask the murderous soldiers to think about what they are going to do, that they do not kill the children, that they reincorporate, that the children have nothing to do with the guerrillas, that before carrying out those orders they see who they are murdering.
These have been the statements of Rufina Amaya Márquez. Peasant woman, from the El Mozote hamlet, jurisdiction of Meanguera, victim and only survivor of the criminal repression unleashed by the Christian Democratic Military Junta on December 12 of this year in the department of Morazán.
"The material recovered is the following, 17 G3 rifles, a 90-millimeter cannon, five projectiles from the 90-millimeter cannon, an M79, seven M79 grenades, G3 rifle grenades, steel helmets, backpacks, capes, blankets, food, etc. , 7.62 caliber ammunition, two machine gun cartridges, two military communication radios, a nine millimeter pistol. "This resulted in two damaged helicopters."